Kansas (Wichita area) Lawyers, SOMERS, ROBB & ROBB,
welcome you to our

This three-attorney firm, consisting of John Robb, Joe Robb and Destiny
Denney, was founded in 1885
and is located in Newton, Kansas. Frequently you'll find us focusing
on business related matters, trusts, wills, estate planning and taxation, school law,
divorce, custody, family law and litigation. We
have special sections you can browse pertaining to school law, estate
planning and divorce and related matters. The other pages are
self-explanatory. Please use the navigation bars at the left and bottom
to browse through our site. If you would like to contact us please
send e-mail to johnrobb@robblaw.com, joerobb@robblaw.com, or
or write to the address at the left.
Use of this website does not establish an attorney-client
relationship. We would be
happy to visit with you about formally becoming your
lawyers. Until such time as we
expressly agree to become your counsel, we will not consider ourselves engaged
on your behalf and you should not do so either. Please contact us to discuss this further as we would
like to consider representing you.